


DF = [['Customer Number: 001 '],
 ['Notes: Bought a ton of stuff and was easy to deal with'],
 ['Customer Number: 666 '],
 ['Notes: acted and looked like Chris Farley on that hidden decaf skit from SNL'],
 ['Customer Number: 103 '],
 ['Notes: bought a ton of stuff got a free keychain'],
 ['Notes: gave us a referral to his uncles cousins hairdresser'],
 ['Notes: name address birthday social security number on file'],
 ['Customer Number: 007 '],
 ['Notes: looked a lot like James Bond'],
 ['Notes: came in with a martini']]


['Customer Number: 001 Notes: Bought a ton of stuff and was easy to deal with',
 'Customer Number: 666 Notes: acted and looked like Chris Farley on that hidden decaf skit from SNL',
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: bought a ton of stuff got a free keychain',
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: gave us a referral to his uncles cousins hairdresser',
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: name address birthday social security number on file',
 'Customer Number: 007 Notes: looked a lot like James Bond',
 'Customer Number: 007 Notes: came in with a martini']



  • 客户号码始终以 Customer Number 开头
  • Notes 通常较长
  • Notes 的数量从未超过5个


DF = [item for sublist in DF for item in sublist]
DF = DF + ['stophere']
DF2 = []

for record in DF:
    if (record[0:17]=="Customer Number: ") & (record !="stophere"):
        DF2.append(record + DF[DF.index(record)+1])
        if len(DF[DF.index(record)+2]) >21:
            DF2.append(record + DF[DF.index(record)+2])
            if len(DF[DF.index(record)+3]) >21:
                DF2.append(record + DF[DF.index(record)+3])
                if len(DF[DF.index(record)+4]) >21:
                    DF2.append(record + DF[DF.index(record)+4])
                    if len(DF[DF.index(record)+5]) >21:
                        DF2.append(record + DF[DF.index(record)+5])





from pprint import pprint as pp

out = []
for sub in DF:
    if sub[0].startswith("Customer Number"):
        cust = sub[0]
        out.append(cust + sub[0])


['Customer Number: 001 Notes: Bought a ton of stuff and was easy to deal with',
 'Customer Number: 666 Notes: acted and looked like Chris Farley on that '
 'hidden decaf skit from SNL',
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: bought a ton of stuff got a free keychain',
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: gave us a referral to his uncles cousins '
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: name address birthday social security number '
 'on file',
 'Customer Number: 007 Notes: looked a lot like James Bond',
 'Customer Number: 007 Notes: came in with a martini']

from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(list)
for sub in DF:
    if sub[0].startswith("Customer Number"):
        cust = sub[0]
        d[cust].append(cust + sub[0])



{'Customer Number: 001 ': ['Customer Number: 001 Notes: Bought a ton of '
                           'stuff and was easy to deal with'],
 'Customer Number: 007 ': ['Customer Number: 007 Notes: looked a lot like '
                           'James Bond',
                           'Customer Number: 007 Notes: came in with a '
 'Customer Number: 103 ': ['Customer Number: 103 Notes: bought a ton of '
                           'stuff got a free keychain',
                           'Customer Number: 103 Notes: gave us a referral '
                           'to his uncles cousins hairdresser',
                           'Customer Number: 103 Notes: name address '
                           'birthday social security number on file'],
 'Customer Number: 666 ': ['Customer Number: 666 Notes: acted and looked '
                           'like Chris Farley on that hidden decaf skit '
                           'from SNL']}


# added ["foo"] before we see any customer

DF = [["foo"],['Customer Number: 001 '],
 ['Notes: Bought a ton of stuff and was easy to deal with'],
 ['Customer Number: 666 '],
 ['Notes: acted and looked like Chris Farley on that hidden decaf skit from SNL'],
 ['Customer Number: 103 '],
 ['Notes: bought a ton of stuff got a free keychain'],
 ['Notes: gave us a referral to his uncles cousins hairdresser'],
 ['Notes: name address birthday social security number on file'],
 ['Customer Number: 007 '],
 ['Notes: looked a lot like James Bond'],
 ['Notes: came in with a martini']]

from pprint import pprint as pp

from itertools import takewhile, islice

# find lines up to first customer
start = list(takewhile(lambda x: "Customer Number:" not in x[0], DF))

out = []
ln = len(start)
# if we had data before we actually found a customer this will be True
if start: 
    # so set cust to first customer in list and start adding to out
    cust = DF[ln][0]
    for sub in start:
        out.append(cust + sub[0])
# ln will either be 0 if start is empty else we start at first customer
for sub in islice(DF, ln, None):
    if sub[0].startswith("Customer Number"):
        cust = sub[0]
        out.append(cust + sub[0])


 ['Customer Number: 001 foo',
 'Customer Number: 001 Notes: Bought a ton of stuff and was easy to deal with',
 'Customer Number: 666 Notes: acted and looked like Chris Farley on that '
 'hidden decaf skit from SNL',
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: bought a ton of stuff got a free keychain',
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: gave us a referral to his uncles cousins '
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: name address birthday social security number '
 'on file',
 'Customer Number: 007 Notes: looked a lot like James Bond',
 'Customer Number: 007 Notes: came in with a martini']


@MattO'Brien,如果您的列表的第一个元素实际上不是Customer Number:...,那么就需要采用不同的方法。如果客户在文本之后出现,会发生什么情况?例如[["foo"],["Customer Number: 100"]]是您的列表的开头。 - Padraic Cunningham
啊...对不起,我犯了一个小错误。我将删除我的评论。谢谢! - tumultous_rooster
@MattO'Brien,不用担心,我仍然会保留备选代码,因为它可能对某些人有用。 - Padraic Cunningham

你的基本目标是将笔记分组并与客户关联。由于列表已经排序,因此可以直接使用 itertools.groupby,如下所示。
from itertools import groupby, chain

def build_notes(it):
    customer, func = "", lambda x: x.startswith('Customer')
    for item, grp in groupby(chain.from_iterable(DF), key=func):
        if item:
            customer = next(grp)
            for note in grp:
                yield customer + note
            # In Python 3.x, you can simply do
            # yield from (customer + note for note in grp)





['Customer Number: 001 Notes: Bought a ton of stuff and was easy to deal with',
 'Customer Number: 666 Notes: acted and looked like Chris Farley on that hidden decaf skit from SNL',
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: bought a ton of stuff got a free keychain',
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: gave us a referral to his uncles cousins hairdresser',
 'Customer Number: 103 Notes: name address birthday social security number on file',
 'Customer Number: 007 Notes: looked a lot like James Bond',
 'Customer Number: 007 Notes: came in with a martini']

DF = [['Customer Number: 001 '],
 ['Notes: Bought a ton of stuff and was easy to deal with'],
 ['Customer Number: 666 '],
 ['Notes: acted and looked like Chris Farley on that hidden decaf skit from SNL'],
 ['Customer Number: 103 '],
 ['Notes: bought a ton of stuff got a free keychain'],
 ['Notes: gave us a referral to his uncles cousins hairdresser'],
 ['Notes: name address birthday social security number on file'],
 ['Customer Number: 007 '],
 ['Notes: looked a lot like James Bond'],
 ['Notes: came in with a martini']]

custnumstr = None
out = []
for df in DF:
     if df[0].startswith('Customer Number'):
         custnumstr = df[0]
         out.append(custnumstr + df[0])

for e in out:
    print e

from collections import OrderedDict

DF_dict = OrderedDict()

for subl in DF:
    if 'Customer Number' in subl[0]:  
        DF_dict[subl[0]] = []
    last_key = list(DF_dict.keys())[-1]

for customer, notes in  DF_dict.items():
    for a_note in notes:


Customer Number: 001  Notes: Bought a ton of stuff and was easy to deal with
Customer Number: 666  Notes: acted and looked like Chris Farley on that hidden decaf skit from SNL
Customer Number: 103  Notes: bought a ton of stuff got a free keychain
Customer Number: 103  Notes: gave us a referral to his uncles cousins hairdresser
Customer Number: 103  Notes: name address birthday social security number on file
Customer Number: 007  Notes: looked a lot like James Bond
Customer Number: 007  Notes: came in with a martini



last_key = ''

for subl in DF:
    if 'Customer Number' in subl[0]:  
        DF_dict[subl[0]] = []
        last_key = subl[0]



from collections import defaultdict

DF_dict = defaultdict(list)

for subl in DF:
    if 'Customer Number' in subl[0]:         
        customer = subl[0]


你也可以使用 k = subl[0] DF_dict.setdefault(k,[]),然后忘记 continue - Padraic Cunningham

final_list = []
for outer_list in DF:
    for s in outer_list:
        if s.startswith("Customer"):
            cust = s
        elif s.startswith("Notes"):
            final_list.append(cust + s)

for f in final_list:
    print f

customer = ""
results = []
for record in DF:
    data = record[0]
    if "Customer" in data:
        customer = data
    elif "Notes" in data:
        result = customer + data


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