

我正在编写一个简单的memcpy内核,以测量我的GTX 760M的内存带宽,并将其与cudaMemcpy()进行比较。代码如下:

template<unsigned int THREADS_PER_BLOCK>
__global__ static
void copy(void* src, void* dest, unsigned int size) {
    using vector_type = int2;
    vector_type* src2 = reinterpret_cast<vector_type*>(src);
    vector_type* dest2 = reinterpret_cast<vector_type*>(dest);

    //This copy kernel is only correct when size%sizeof(vector_type)==0
    auto numElements = size / sizeof(vector_type);

    for(auto id = THREADS_PER_BLOCK * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; id < numElements ; id += gridDim.x * THREADS_PER_BLOCK){
        dest2[id] = src2[id];

Multi-Processors: 4 
Max Threads per Multi Processor: 2048 
NUM_BLOCKS = 4 * 2048 / 256 = 32


bandwidth test by copying 400mb of data.
cudaMemcpy finished in 15.63ms. Bandwidth: 51.1838 GB/s
thrust::copy finished in 15.7218ms. Bandwidth: 50.8849 GB/s
my memcpy (195313 blocks) finished in 15.6208ms. Bandwidth: 51.2137 GB/s
my memcpy (32 blocks) finished in 16.8083ms. Bandwidth: 47.5956 GB/s




每个元素启动一个线程对于数据独立问题总是最优的吗?- 不是的。想象一下有1000个独立的元素,在一个4核心的机器上启动1000个线程,你将会被线程/任务切换开销淹没。 - undefined
只是为了确保:你是否进行了多次测量并查看了它们的运行时间/带宽的平均值?基准测试在单次运行之间往往会有很大的差异。 - undefined
@BenSteffan 是的,时间变化小于+-0.1毫秒。 - undefined
这个问题针对的是具有几乎零线程创建时间和无线程切换/交换的现代图形处理器。 - undefined

并不总是。让我们考虑3种不同的实现方式。在每种情况下,我们假设处理的是一个可以轻松并行化的问题,该问题涉及每个线程加载一个元素、执行一些“工作”和存储一个元素。在你的复制示例中,基本上没有什么工作 - 只有加载和存储。
  1. One element per thread. Each thread is doing 1 element load, the work, and 1 store. The GPU likes to have a lot of exposed parallel-issue-capable instructions per thread available, in order to hide latency. Your example consists of one load and one store per thread, ignoring other instructions like index arithmetic, etc. In your example GPU, you have 4 SMs, and each is capable of a maximum complement of 2048 threads (true for nearly all GPUs today), so the maximum in-flight complement is 8192 threads. So at most, 8192 loads can be issued to the memory pipe, then we're going to hit machine stalls until that data comes back from memory, so that the corresponding store instructions can be issued. In addition, for this case, we have overhead associated with retiring threadblocks and launching new threadblocks, since each block only handles 256 elements.

  2. Multiple elements per thread, not known at compile time. In this case, we have a loop. The compiler does not know the loop extent at compile time, so it may or may not unroll the the loop. If it does not unroll the loop, then we have a load followed by a store per each loop iteration. This doesn't give the compiler a good opportunity to reorder (independent) instructions, so the net effect may be the same as case 1 except that we have some additional overhead associated with processing the loop.

  3. Multiple elements per thread, known at compile time. You haven't really provided this example, but it is often the best scenario. In the parallelforall blog matrix transpose example, the writer of that essentially copy kernel chose to have each thread perform 8 elements of copy "work". The compiler then sees a loop:

      LOOP:  LD R0, in[idx];
             ST out[idx], R0;
             BRA  LOOP;

    which it can unroll (let's say) 8 times:

         LD R0, in[idx];
         ST out[idx], R0;
         LD R0, in[idx+1];
         ST out[idx+1], R0;
         LD R0, in[idx+2];
         ST out[idx+2], R0;
         LD R0, in[idx+3];
         ST out[idx+3], R0;
         LD R0, in[idx+4];
         ST out[idx+4], R0;
         LD R0, in[idx+5];
         ST out[idx+5], R0;
         LD R0, in[idx+6];
         ST out[idx+6], R0;
         LD R0, in[idx+7];
         ST out[idx+7], R0;

    and after that it can reorder the instructions, since the operations are independent:

         LD R0, in[idx];
         LD R1, in[idx+1];
         LD R2, in[idx+2];
         LD R3, in[idx+3];
         LD R4, in[idx+4];
         LD R5, in[idx+5];
         LD R6, in[idx+6];
         LD R7, in[idx+7];
         ST out[idx], R0;
         ST out[idx+1], R1;
         ST out[idx+2], R2;
         ST out[idx+3], R3;
         ST out[idx+4], R4;
         ST out[idx+5], R5;
         ST out[idx+6], R6;
         ST out[idx+7], R7;

    at the expense of some increased register pressure. The benefit here, as compared to the non-unrolled loop case, is that the first 8 LD instructions can all be issued - they are all independent. After issuing those, the thread will stall at the first ST instruction - until the corresponding data is actually returned from global memory. In the non-unrolled case, the machine can issue the first LD instruction, but immediately hits a dependent ST instruction, and so it may stall right there. The net of this is that in the first 2 scenarios, I was only able to have 8192 LD operations in flight to the memory subsystem, but in the 3rd case I was able to have 65536 LD instructions in flight. Does this provide a benefit? In some cases, it does. The benefit will vary depending on which GPU you are running on.

(请注意,我“伪”机器代码示例中的内存索引不是为了编写良好的网格步进复制循环而期望的 - 它们只是为了演示展开和通过编译器指令重新排序带来的好处。)

嘿,你的第三种情况似乎是一个非常好的主意,当需要对元素进行实际处理时。对于memcpy示例,每个线程处理多个元素似乎并没有提高性能。你通常会建议每个线程处理固定数量的元素,并根据问题而不是硬件来调整块的数量吗? - undefined
你的每个线程只有一个元素的情况已经饱和了内存总线,所以在这种情况下暴露更多的并行性没有任何好处。但是这种模式不一定适用于所有的GPU,它将取决于GPU和内存总线带宽与线程/请求比例等其他因素。你的760m GPU在总线带宽与线程补充比之间并不特别高。现在大多数GPU似乎在每个线程中有一个事务的合理平衡,但Fermi GPU肯定需要更多的事务来饱和内存总线。 - undefined
简而言之,不要根据你对单个GPU类型的观察得出普遍原则,需谨慎。但是,在GPU上尝试暴露更多的并行性/工作通常是一个好主意。一旦你在特定的GPU上达到了极限,那么暴露额外的并行性可能就不会产生任何回报,在该GPU上 - undefined


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