


var colorArray = [(UIColor.redColor(), "red"), (UIColor.greenColor(), "green"), (UIColor.blueColor(), "blue"), (UIColor.yellowColor(), "yellow"), (UIColor.orangeColor(), "orange"), (UIColor.lightGrayColor(), "grey")]

var random = { () -> Int in
    return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(colorArray.count)))
} // makes random number, you can make it more reusable

var (sourceColor, sourceName) = (colorArray[random()])

当按钮被触摸时,您可以保存所选颜色或索引的数组,并检查颜色或索引是否包含在数组中。 - kye
有很多漂亮而清晰的解决方案。有时候最简单的方法是最好的。我推荐你使用Achi的解决方案。这个方法之所以有效,是因为arc4random_uniform不仅生成随机数,而且还生成均匀分布的数字流。 - user3441734

var colorArray = [
  (UIColor.redColor(), "red"), 
  (UIColor.greenColor(), "green"), 
  (UIColor.blueColor(), "blue"), 
  (UIColor.yellowColor(), "yellow"), 
  (UIColor.orangeColor(), "orange"), 
  (UIColor.lightGrayColor(), "grey")]

var indexes = [Int]();

func randomItem() -> UIColor
  if indexes.count == 0
    print("Filling indexes array")
    indexes = Array(0..< colorArray.count)
  let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(indexes.count)))
  let anIndex = indexes.removeAtIndex(randomIndex)
  return colorArray[anIndex].0;

上述代码创建了一个数组indexes。函数randomItem检查indexes是否为空。如果是,则使用从0到colorArray.count - 1的索引值填充它。

错误,需要更改为 return colorArray[anIndex].0 - dimpiax
我猜你是对的,这是一个元组数组,不是吗?我没有仔细查看OP的数据结构。我编写了我的代码来从SOMETHING的数组中获取一个随机的、不重复的元素。它可以使用泛型推广到任何数组。 - Duncan C
在这种情况下,该函数必须是抽象的。为了提高可读性,我将使用数组的stride填充而不是范围。 - dimpiax
@dimpiax为什么不发布您的答案版本并提出您建议的增强功能?我对泛型还不熟悉,也不确定您使用stride的意思。 - Duncan C
哈哈,这里的气氛紧张,是吗?请查看我下面的帖子,其中包含两种方法。 - dimpiax
我实际上更喜欢使用 indexes = Array(0 ..< colorArray.count) 而不是使用 stride。 - Duncan C

基于事实,arc4random_uniform 生成的不仅是随机数,还是均匀分布的数字。
import Foundation // arc4random_uniform

class Random {
    var r:UInt32
    let max: UInt32
    init(max: UInt32) {
        self.max = max
        r = arc4random_uniform(max)
    var next: UInt32 {
        var ret: UInt32
        repeat {
            ret = arc4random_uniform(max)
        } while r == ret
        r = ret
        return r
// usage example
let r = Random(max: 5)
for i in 0..<10 {
    print(r.r, r.next) // there will never be a pair of the same numbers in the
    // generated stream
 2 4
 4 0
 0 3
 3 0
 0 3
 3 4
 4 1
 1 3
 3 4
 4 3


class Random {
    var r:UInt32
    let max: UInt32
    init(max: UInt32) {
        self.max = max
        r = arc4random_uniform(max)
    var next: (UInt32, Int) {
        var i = 0
        var ret: UInt32
        repeat {
            ret = arc4random_uniform(max)
            i += 1
        } while r == ret
        r = ret
        return (r,i)
for k in 3..<16 {
    let r = Random(max: UInt32(k))
    var repetition = 0
    var sum = 0
    for i in 0..<1000000 {
        let j = r.next
        repetition = max(repetition, j.1)
        sum += j.1
    print("maximum of while repetition for k:", k, "is", repetition, "with average of", Double(sum) / Double(1000000) )


maximum of while repetition for k: 3 is 15 with average of 1.499832
maximum of while repetition for k: 4 is 12 with average of 1.334008
maximum of while repetition for k: 5 is 9 with average of 1.250487
maximum of while repetition for k: 6 is 8 with average of 1.199631
maximum of while repetition for k: 7 is 8 with average of 1.167501
maximum of while repetition for k: 8 is 7 with average of 1.142799
maximum of while repetition for k: 9 is 8 with average of 1.124096
maximum of while repetition for k: 10 is 6 with average of 1.111178
maximum of while repetition for k: 11 is 7 with average of 1.099815
maximum of while repetition for k: 12 is 7 with average of 1.091041
maximum of while repetition for k: 13 is 6 with average of 1.083582
maximum of while repetition for k: 14 is 6 with average of 1.076595
maximum of while repetition for k: 15 is 6 with average of 1.071965


import Foundation

func random(max: Int)->()->Int {
    let max = UInt32(max)
    var last = arc4random_uniform(max)
    return {
        var r = arc4random_uniform(max)
        while r == last {
            r = arc4random_uniform(max)
        last = r
        return Int(last)

let r0 = random(8)
let r1 = random(4)
for i in 0..<20 {
    print(r0(), terminator: " ")
for i in 0..<20 {
    print(r1(), terminator: " ")

 4 5 4 3 4 0 5 6 7 3 6 7 5 4 7 4 7 2 1 6
 0 3 0 1 0 2 3 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 3 0 2

使用Fisher-Yates shuffle算法将颜色填充到数组中并对其进行洗牌。然后使用末尾的元素,将其移除,并将其插入到距离末尾至少n个位置的随机位置。
var colorArray = [
  (UIColor.redColor()      , "red"   ),
  (UIColor.greenColor()    , "green" ),
  (UIColor.blueColor()     , "blue"  ),
  (UIColor.yellowColor()   , "yellow"),
  (UIColor.orangeColor()   , "orange"),
  (UIColor.lightGrayColor(), "grey"  )].shuffle() // shuffle() is from my link above

let spacing = 2 // Pick at least 2 colors before we see it again
if let randomColor = colorArray.popLast() {
                    atIndex: Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(colorArray.count - spacing))))

一个案例,在这里描述:https://github.com/dimpiax/GenericSequenceType 另一个是功能性的:
func getRandomItem<T>(arr: [T]) -> (unique: Bool) -> T {
    var indexes: [Int]!

    return { value in
        let uniqIndex: Int

        if value {
            if indexes?.isEmpty != false {
                indexes = [Int](0.stride(to: arr.count, by: 1))

            uniqIndex = indexes.removeAtIndex(Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(indexes.count))))
        else {
            uniqIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(arr.count)))
        return arr[uniqIndex]

let generate = getRandomItem(colorArray)
generate(unique: true).0 // greenColor
generate(unique: true).0 // redColor
generate(unique: true).0 // lightGrayColor



let arrString = ["1","2","3","4","5","6"]
var selectedIndix = -1

@IBAction func btnClick(_ sender: Any) {

    let randomElementIndex = randomElementString()
func randomElementString() -> Int{

    let randomm = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(arrString.count)))

    if selectedIndix == randomm{
        return randomElementString()
        selectedIndix = randomm
        return randomm




尝试使用以下条件运行 while 循环:

while(self.source.backgroundColor == sourceColor) {
  // get a new random sourceColor






// array of all background colors
var arrayOfColors = [..]

// get a random index
var randomIndex = arc4random(size of arrayOfColors)

// select new background color
var newBGColor = arrayOfColors[randomIndex]

// old background color
var oldBGColor = self.source.backgroundColor

// remove new color from array (so that it's excluded from choices next time)

// set the new color to the background
self.source.backgroundColor = newBGColor

// add current color back into the pool of potential colors

虽然这个解决方案可以工作,但有可能会无限循环,尽管这种情况不太可能发生。如果你得到一串糟糕的随机数,它也可能潜在地变慢。 - user887210
@KennethBruno 使用 arc4random_uniform,如果颜色数量> 2,则永远循环的可能性为零。颜色越多,潜在的减速就越少... 实际上,这个解决方案非常高效,完全符合 OP 的需求。欢迎您进行测试 :-) - user3441734
出于兴趣,我尝试使用while循环,因为我最初认为这可能是实现的方法。这是我使用它的方式,但如果颜色想要出现两次,它会给出EXC_BAD_ACCESS错误。这是我尝试使用它的方式。 - user5740195
变量背景 = self.source.backgroundColor当(last == background) { hello() } - user5740195
重点是while循环。有方法可以防止无限循环,这取决于编码人员找到正确的解决方案。我认为SO不是写别人代码的地方,而是提供建议的地方..我的建议是一个开始。 - esreli
@PeterGaffney 看看我的修订答案。它最容易理解,同时提供了最佳的时间和空间复杂度。 - esreli

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