

我认为你可以通过修改 Bentley-Ottmann 算法来处理所有这些特殊情况。但是你会失去算法的很多简单性。 - Keegan Carruthers-Smith

  • 按照惯例,一个点在垂直于它的点上方时被认为在它的“左侧”;因此,垂直线的“左侧”端点是它的端点。
  • 事件可能由两条或更多条线的交叉组成。
  • 到达事件点后,必须反转扫描线中与之相关的线段(不仅仅是交换,因为可能不止两个)。
  • 处理完交叉后,可能需要删除两个以上旧事件点或插入两个以上新事件点。


The algorithm proceeds as follows: It first creates events for all start- and endpoints of input segments. It then handles all events in sorted order.
 For each event, it fetches the associated list L of segments starting at that point and finds and removes all segments in the search tree that intersect the current event point. It reports all those segments as intersections in that point. It then switches the order of the comparison function by changing the flag to be slightly after the current event. It reinserts all previously removed segments that do not have their endpoint at the current event point (because they have to be removed from the structure at this point anyways) and additionally insert the segments from L (that are starting at this point). It checks the top and bottom neighbors above and below the current event point for new intersections and adds them as event points if it finds any.
 This way the algorithm is robust against all kinds of degeneracies, including vertical segments and overlapping segments, as well as segments intersecting on their endpoints.

for all segments s do
  Create events for the endpoints of s
end for
while event queue not empty do
  Remove the smallest event point p from the queue
  Let L be the set of segments that start at p
  I ← all segments in the sweep line structure that contain p
  remove I from sweep line structure
  if |L| + |I| ≥ 2 then
     Report intersections of LI
  end if
  C ← {s ∈ I | p is not endpoint of s}
  Insert C in sweep line structure in reversed order
  Check for new intersections among segments above and below p
end while

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