

我是一个使用 Windows 10 的用户,使用 gitbash 作为命令提示符。

在我将分支更改为 master 后,突然出现了这个错误消息。

REDMOND+ahkim@ahkim-1211 MINGW64 /c/git/src/SI_leadscore/SalesIntelligence/LeadScore/Model (aerin/LeadOptimizerModel)
$ git checkout master
Switched to a new branch 'master'
Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.

REDMOND+ahkim@ahkim-1211 MINGW64 /c/git/src/SI_leadscore/SalesIntelligence/LeadScore/Model
$ git checkout LeadOptimizerModel
fatal: Unable to read current working directory: No such file or directory

REDMOND+ahkim@ahkim-1211 MINGW64 /c/git/src/SI_leadscore/SalesIntelligence/LeadScore/Model
$ git branch
fatal: Unable to read current working directory: No such file or directory

REDMOND+ahkim@ahkim-1211 MINGW64 /c/git/src/SI_leadscore/SalesIntelligence/LeadScore/Model
$ git status
fatal: Unable to read current working directory: No such file or directory

git checkout、git branch、git status等命令都无效。

你是否在 Git 仓库的根目录下?如果不是,可能你所在的目录在主分支上不存在。尝试使用 "cd .." 几次,直到你到达仓库的根目录。 - Neil Forrester
是的,没错。主分支里没有我所在的目录。:-0 - aerin
个人而言,我总是从包含“.git”目录的目录(通常是项目的主目录)中使用Git。这样,我所在的目录始终存在。 - cst1992


您当前的目录在主分支上不存在。当您检出时,它已被删除。请cd .. 几次,直到找到一个存在的目录。

哇塞,从未有如此简单的解决方案来应对如此紧急的情况。 - James Cat
哦,天啊。就是这个问题。我正在运行命令的目录已经不存在了。 - Othyn
输入 pwd 命令,它会显示您当前的目录。 - arvin_v_s
我仍然不明白为什么,但是cd ..然后再次cd回到我原本所在的目录(应该在的目录),就解决了问题。 - MikhailRatner





$ cd ..
$ cd (my repo's directory)

转眼间,git又正常工作了。我经常使用这种设置,除了Chrome OS可能会混淆并不知道发生了什么之外,我不知道还发生了什么。

$ pwd


这个错误在 Git 2.35(2022年第一季度)之后不会再发生:
实际上,在 Git 2.35.1(2022年1月29日,见本答案的最后一部分)之后也不会再出现了。
不再出现 "fatal: Unable to read current working directory: No such file or directory" 错误。
许多处理工作树文件的 git 命令会尝试删除一个变成空目录的目录(例如从包含该目录的分支“git switch(man) 切换到不包含该目录的另一个分支,会尝试删除该目录中的所有文件和该目录本身)。如果该命令运行在一个由于该命令而成为可删除对象的子目录中,则会将用户置于一个陌生的情境中。
查看 提交 324b170, 提交 580a5d7, 提交 63bbe8b, 提交 0fce211, 提交 bc3ae46, 提交 c65744e, 提交 00fcce2, 提交 0b0ee33, 提交 b817e54, 提交 e6f8861, 提交 8a0d52d (于2021年12月09日) 由Elijah Newren (newren)完成。
(合并自Junio C Hamano -- gitster --提交 da81d47,于2022年01月05日) dir:在remove_path()中避免意外删除original_cwd Acked-by: Derrick Stolee
Acked-by: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Signed-off-by: Elijah Newren

Modern git often tries to avoid leaving empty directories around when removing files.
Originally, it did not bother.
This behavior started with commit 80e21a9 ("merge-recursive::removeFile: remove empty directories", 2005-11-19, Git v0.99.9k -- merge), stating the reason simply as:

When the last file in a directory is removed as the result of a
merge, try to rmdir the now-empty directory.

This was reimplemented in C and renamed to remove_path() in commit e1b3a2c ("Build-in merge-recursive", 2008-02-07, Git v1.5.5-rc0 -- merge), but was still internal to merge-recursive.

This trend towards removing leading empty directories continued with commit d9b814c (Add builtin , 2006-05-19, Git v1.4.1-rc1 -- merge) (Add builtin "git rm"(man) command, 2006-05-19), which stated the reasoning as:

The other question is what to do with leading directories.
The old "git rm" script didn't do anything, which is somewhat inconsistent.
This one will actually clean up directories that have become empty as a result of removing the last file, but maybe we want to have a flag to decide the behaviour?

remove_path() in dir.c was added in 4a92d1b ("Add remove_path: a function to remove as much as possible of a path", 2008-09-27, Git v1.6.1-rc1 -- merge), because it was noted that we had two separate implementations of the same idea AND both were buggy.
It described the purpose of the function as

a function to remove as much as possible of a path

Why remove as much as possible? Well, at the time we probably would have said something like:

  • removing leading directories makes things feel tidy
  • removing leading directories doesn't hurt anything so long as they had no files in them.

But I don't believe those reasons hold when the empty directory happens to be the current working directory we inherited from our parent process.
Leaving the parent process in a deleted directory can cause user confusion when subsequent processes fail: any git command, for example, will immediately fail with

fatal: Unable to read current working directory: No such file or directory

Other commands may similarly get confused.

Modify remove_path() so that the empty leading directories it also deletes does not include the current working directory we inherited from our parent process.

在Git 2.35.1(2022年1月29日)中,修复了2.35中的回归问题,该问题破坏了在辅助工作树中使用“rebase”和“stash”的功能。
请参见commit ff5b791(2022年1月26日),作者为Elijah Newren (newren)
(由Junio C Hamano -- gitster --commit b23dac9合并,2022年1月26日) sequencer, stash:修复从工作树子目录运行的问题 测试用例由Glen Choo提供 由Elijah Newren签名
在提交 bc3ae46rebase:不要尝试删除startup_info->original_cwd,2021-12-09,Git v2.35.0-rc0 -- 合并列在批次#7中)(“rebase:不要尝试删除startup_info->original_cwd”,2021-12-09)和0fce211stash:不要尝试删除startup_info->original_cwd,2021-12-09,Git v2.35.0-rc0 -- 合并列在批次#7中)(“stash:不要尝试删除startup_info->original_cwd”,2021-12-09),我们希望子进程能够知道父进程从哪个目录运行,以便子进程可以保护它。
使用 Git 2.37(2022 年第三季度),当 Git 无法确定用户启动 Git 的目录时,禁用“不要删除该目录”的逻辑。

请参见 commit c37c6dc(2022 年 5 月 24 日)由 Kevin Locke (kevinoid) 提交。
(由 Junio C Hamano -- gitster --commit 37d4ae5 中合并,2022 年 6 月 3 日) “设置:如果在获取当前工作目录时realpath(3)失败,请勿死亡。” 签名作者:Kevin Locke 审核者:Elijah Newren

Prior to Git 2.35.0, git could be run from an inaccessible working directory so long as the git repository specified by options and/or environment variables was accessible.

For example:

git init repo
mkdir -p a/b
cd a/b
chmod u-x ..
git -C "${PWD%/a/b}/repo" status

If this example seems a bit contrived, consider running with the repository owner as a substitute UID (e.g. with runuser(1) or sudo(8)) without ensuring the working directory is accessible by that user.

The code added by e6f8861 (setup: introduce startup_info->original_cwd, 2021-12-09, Git v2.35.0-rc0 -- merge listed in batch #7) ("setup: introduce startup_info->original_cwd") to preserve the working directory attempts to normalize the path using strbuf_realpath().
If that fails, as in the case above, it is treated as a fatal error.

This commit treats strbuf_realpath() errors as non-fatal.
If an error occurs, setup_original_cwd() will continue without applying removal prevention for cwd, resulting in the pre-2.35.0 behavior.
The risk should be minimal, since git will not operate on a repository with inaccessible ancestors, this behavior is only known to occur when cwd is a descendant of the repository, an ancestor of cwd is inaccessible, and no ancestors of the repository are inaccessible.



进入包含您的git文件的目录,然后运行git status

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