Pygame 碰撞检测后停止移动



keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if 1 in keys_pressed:
    if keys_pressed[K_w]:
        self.player_l[1] += -2
        if self.player_r.colliderect(self.tower_r): self.player_l[1] -= -2
    if keys_pressed[K_a]:
        self.player_l[0] += -2
        if self.player_r.colliderect(self.tower_r): self.player_l[0] -= -2
    if keys_pressed[K_s]:
        self.player_l[1] += 2
        if self.player_r.colliderect(self.tower_r): self.player_l[1] -= 2
    if keys_pressed[K_d]:
        self.player_l[0] += 2
        if self.player_r.colliderect(self.tower_r): self.player_l[0] -= 2


你能展示一下该方法的完整代码吗?这可能是一个打字错误。 - Patashu
添加了整个移动代码 :) - Dan Doe
一个想法是,如果您使用浮点数进行定位,舍入误差可能意味着您不会完全被推出,就像您推入的那样。您是否尝试过使用调试器、打印语句或日志来跟踪位置随时间的变化? - Patashu
哦,太感谢了,我设法修复它,确保它四舍五入! - Dan Doe

    def moveRelative(self,other,speed):                                   #This function is a function the one you need uses, which you may find useful. It is designed to move towards or a way from another sprite. Other is the other sprite, speed is an integer, where a negative value specifies moving away from the sprite, which is how many pixels it will move away from the target. This returns coordinates for the move_ip function to move to or away from the sprite, as a tuple
            dx = other.rect.x - self.rect.x
            dy = other.rect.y - self.rect.y
            if abs(dx) > abs(dy):
                    # other is farther away in x than in y
                    if dx > 0:
                            return (+speed,0)
                            return (-speed,0)
                    if dy > 0:
                            return (0,+speed)
                            return (0,-speed)

    def move(self,dx,dy):
            screen.fill((COLOR),self.rect)                                 #covers over the sprite's rectangle with the background color, a constant in the program
            collisions = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, everything, False)
            for other in collisions:
                    if other != self:
                            (awayDx,awayDy) = self.moveRelative(other,-1)  #moves away from the object it is colliding with
                            dx = dx + 9*(awayDx)                           #the number 9 here represents the object's resistance. When you push on an object, it will push with a force of nine back. If you make it too low, players can walk right through other objects. If you make it too high, players will bounce back from other objects violently upon contact. In this, if a player moves in a direction faster than a speed of nine, they will push through the other object (or simply push the other object back if they are also in motion)
                            dy = dy + 9*(awayDy)
            self.rect.move_ip(dx,dy)                                       #this finally implements the movement, with the new calculations being used


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