


mplus :: (MonadPlus m) => m a -> m a -> m a

finally :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a

forkIO :: m () -> m ThreadId

-- | From Control.Monad.Parallel
forkExec :: m a -> m (m a)


  • In both finally and forkIO the problem is that the monadic argument is of a different type than the result. But for free one would need them to be of the same type, as IO a gets replaced by the type variable of the encoding type, like data MyFunctor x = Finally x x x, which would only encode IO a -> IO a -> IO a.

    In From zero to cooperative threads in 33 lines of Haskell code the author uses Fork next next to fist implement

    cFork :: (Monad m) => Thread m Bool
    cFork = liftF (Fork False True)

    and then uses it to implement

    fork :: (Monad m) => Thread m a -> Thread m ()

    where the input and output have different types. But I don't understand if this was derived using some process or just an ad-hoc idea that works for this particular purpose.

  • mplus is in particular confusing: a naive encoding as

    data F b = MZero | MPlus b b

    distributes over >>= and a suggested better implementation is more complicated. And also a native implementation of a free MonadPlus was removed from free.

    In freer it's implemented by adding

    data NonDetEff a where
      MZero :: NonDetEff a
      MPlus :: NonDetEff Bool

    Why is MPlus NonDetEff Bool instead of NonDetEff a a? And is there a way how to make it work with Free, where we need the data type to be a functor, other than using the CoYoneda functor?

  • For forkExec I have no idea how to proceed at all.

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@user2407038 我理解你的意思。但我对“机械编码整个接口,让解释器担心实现细节”的方法很感兴趣。 - Petr



data Freer f b where
    Pure :: b -> Freer f b
    Roll :: f a -> (a -> Freer f b) -> Freer f b

data NonDetEff a where
  MZero :: NonDetEff a
  MPlus :: NonDetEff Bool

type NonDetComp = Freer NonDetEff

当将 Roll 应用于 MPlus 时,aBool 统一,并且第二个参数的类型为 Bool -> NonDetEff b,这基本上是一个元组:

tuplify :: (Bool -> a) -> (a, a)
tuplify f = (f True, f False)

untuplify :: (a, a) -> (Bool -> a)
untuplify (x, y) True  = x
untuplify (x, y) False = y

ex :: NonDetComp Int
ex = Roll MPlus $ Pure . untuplify (1, 2)


instance MonadPlus NonDetComp where
    mzero       = Roll MZero Pure
    a `mplus` b = Roll MPlus $ untuplify (a, b)


run :: NonDetComp a -> [a]
run (Pure x)       = [x]
run (Roll MZero f) = []
run (Roll MPlus f) = let (a, b) = tuplify f in run a ++ run b

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