


  1. A列有5种动物
  2. B列有1000种水果
  3. C列有10个国家





        Expanding data sets for each in other

您对所需结果的描述对我来说有点模糊。您能否通过上传 Excel 中的几行数据样本来澄清一下?如果我说您只想将列 A、B 和 C 复制到 E、F 和 G 中,那么我的理解是正确的吗? - Luuklag
我在你的问题中添加了一个截图。每个汇总行为什么会出现两次? - Luuklag
大猩猩是否也与苹果结合,还是只与香蕉结合? - Excel Hero
@mysticous - 我已经颁发了我设定的悬赏。请重新访问并选择其中一个回答作为“被接受的答案”,以便该主题可以帮助其他人找到适合自己的数据扩展问题的解决方案。 - user4039065
@Jeeped - 我很想帮忙,但我找不到可以兑换的积分。 - mysticous



Option Explicit

Sub main()
    Call for_each_in_others(rDATA:=Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("A3"), bHDR:=True)
End Sub

Sub for_each_in_others(rDATA As Range, Optional bHDR As Boolean = False)
    Dim v As Long, w As Long
    Dim iINCROWS As Long, iMAXROWS As Long, sErrorRng As String
    Dim vVALs As Variant, vTMPs As Variant, vCOLs As Variant

    On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
    appTGGL bTGGL:=False

    With rDATA.Parent
        With rDATA(1).CurrentRegion
            'Debug.Print rDATA(1).Row - .Cells(1).Row
            With .Resize(.Rows.Count - (rDATA(1).Row - .Cells(1).Row), .Columns.Count).Offset(2, 0)
                sErrorRng = .Address(0, 0)
                vTMPs = .Value2
                ReDim vCOLs(LBound(vTMPs, 2) To UBound(vTMPs, 2))
                iMAXROWS = 1
                'On Error GoTo bm_Output_Exceeded
                For w = LBound(vTMPs, 2) To UBound(vTMPs, 2)
                    vCOLs(w) = Application.CountA(.Columns(w))
                    iMAXROWS = iMAXROWS * vCOLs(w)
                Next w

                'control excessive or no rows of output
                If iMAXROWS > Rows.Count Then
                    GoTo bm_Output_Exceeded
                ElseIf .Columns.Count = 1 Or iMAXROWS = 0 Then
                    GoTo bm_Nothing_To_Do
                End If

                On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
                ReDim vVALs(LBound(vTMPs, 1) To iMAXROWS, LBound(vTMPs, 2) To UBound(vTMPs, 2))
                iINCROWS = 1
                For w = LBound(vVALs, 2) To UBound(vVALs, 2)
                    iINCROWS = iINCROWS * vCOLs(w)
                    For v = LBound(vVALs, 1) To UBound(vVALs, 1)
                        vVALs(v, w) = vTMPs((Int(iINCROWS * ((v - 1) / UBound(vVALs, 1))) Mod vCOLs(w)) + 1, w)
                    Next v
                Next w
            End With
        End With
        .Cells(2, UBound(vVALs, 2) + 2).Resize(1, UBound(vVALs, 2) + 2).EntireColumn.Delete
        If bHDR Then
            rDATA.Cells(1, 1).Offset(-1, 0).Resize(1, UBound(vVALs, 2)).Copy _
                Destination:=rDATA.Cells(1, UBound(vVALs, 2) + 2).Offset(-1, 0)
        End If
        rDATA.Cells(1, UBound(vVALs, 2) + 2).Resize(UBound(vVALs, 1), UBound(vVALs, 2)) = vVALs
    End With

    GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
    MsgBox "There is not enough data in  " & sErrorRng & " to perform expansion." & Chr(10) & _
           "This could be due to a single column of values or one or more blank column(s) of values." & _
            Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "There is nothing to expand.", vbInformation, _
           "Single or No Column of Raw Data"
    GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
    MsgBox "The number of expanded values created from " & sErrorRng & _
           " (" & Format(iMAXROWS, "\> #, ##0") & " rows × " & UBound(vTMPs, 2) & _
           " columns) exceeds the rows available (" & Format(Rows.Count, "#, ##0") & ") on this worksheet.", vbCritical, _
           "Too Many Entries"
End Sub

Sub appTGGL(Optional bTGGL As Boolean = True)
    Application.EnableEvents = bTGGL
    Application.ScreenUpdating = bTGGL
End Sub


        Variant Array expansion

你为此编写的VBA非常快,我计划仔细研究它;然而,当我基于实际数据集(5个动物,1000个水果,10个国家)运行宏时,出现了“运行时错误6:溢出”。 - rwilson
感谢你发现了这个问题。在乘法操作前,我不得不在除法操作中加上括号,以获得数学优先级。请参见此链接。我将很快在此帖子中添加一些错误控制和修复数学公式的方法。 - user4039065
减1合并单元格。开玩笑!(我经常这样做)我试图在凌晨1点从头开始编写代码,但我无法处理数学问题。之前抛出异常的代码行就是我无法想出来的。 - rwilson
你好Jeeped。感谢您的努力。看起来您的宏针对3个数据集完美运行——我已经尝试过了,真是太神奇了。对于802x198x4数据集,返回了将近5秒的635184行!非常不可思议!十分感谢!同时,我还测试了4列和5列,也都完美运行。现在唯一的限制似乎就是Excel工作簿了。 - mysticous
@mysticous 你认为Excel的行限制在运行此过程时是否会成为问题?换句话说,是否会有情况下输出结果可能超过一百万行? - rwilson




只需将动物、水果、国家作为单独的表格导入任何SQL数据库,如MS Access、SQLite、MySQL等,然后列出不包括连接的表格,包括隐式(WHERE)和显式(JOIN)连接:

SELECT Animals.Animal, Fruits.Fruit, Countries.Country
FROM Animals, Countries, Fruits;

笛卡尔积 SQL



Sub CrossJoinQuery()

    Dim conn As Object
    Dim rst As Object
    Dim sConn As String, strSQL As String

    Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    sConn = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};" _
               & "DBQ=C:\Path To\Excel\Workbook.xlsx;"
    conn.Open sConn

    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Animals$A1:A3], [Fruits$A1:A3], [Countries$A1:A3] "
    rst.Open strSQL, conn

    Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rst


    Set rst = Nothing
    Set conn = Nothing

End Sub


你好。感谢您提供的解决方案。您也可以使用交叉连接来完成此操作,但是假设用户无法通过MS SQL或Access解决此问题。 - mysticous
查看我的更新,使用Excel解决方案。运行非联接SQL语句的相同概念。 - Parfait



  1. 将输入列加载到数组中,并计算每列的行数
  2. 用所有组合填充数组
  3. 将数组分配给输出范围



Sub CrossJoin(rSrc As Range, rTrg As Range)

  Dim vSrc() As Variant, vTrgPart() As Variant
  Dim iLengths() As Long
  Dim iCCnt As Integer, iRTrgCnt As Long, iRSrcCnt As Long
  Dim i As Integer, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long
  Dim iStep As Long

  Const iMinRSize As Long = 17
  Dim iArrLastC As Integer

  On Error GoTo CleanUp
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  Application.EnableEvents = False

  vSrc = rSrc.Value2
  iCCnt = UBound(vSrc, 2)
  iRSrcCnt = UBound(vSrc, 1)
  iRTrgCnt = 1
  iArrLastC = 1
  ReDim iLengths(1 To iCCnt)
  For i = 1 To iCCnt
    j = iRSrcCnt
    While (j > 0) And IsEmpty(vSrc(j, i))
      j = j - 1
    iLengths(i) = j
    iRTrgCnt = iRTrgCnt * iLengths(i)
    If (iRTrgCnt < iMinRSize) And (iArrLastC < iCCnt) Then iArrLastC = iArrLastC + 1
  Next i

  If (iRTrgCnt > 0) And (rTrg.row + iRTrgCnt - 1 <= rTrg.Parent.Rows.Count) Then
    ReDim vTrgPart(1 To iRTrgCnt, 1 To iArrLastC)

    iStep = 1
    For i = 1 To iArrLastC
      k = 0
      For j = 1 To iRTrgCnt Step iStep
        k = k + 1
        If k > iLengths(i) Then k = 1
        For l = j To j + iStep - 1
          vTrgPart(l, i) = vSrc(k, i)
        Next l
      Next j
      iStep = iStep * iLengths(i)
    Next i

    rTrg.Resize(iRTrgCnt, iArrLastC) = vTrgPart

    For i = iArrLastC + 1 To iCCnt
      k = 0
      For j = 1 To iRTrgCnt Step iStep
        k = k + 1
        If k > iLengths(i) Then k = 1
        rTrg.Resize(iStep).Offset(j - 1, i - 1).Value2 = vSrc(k, i)
      Next j
      iStep = iStep * iLengths(i)
    Next i
  End If

  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Application.EnableEvents = False
End Sub

Sub test()
  CrossJoin Range("a2:f10"), Range("k2")
End Sub
如果我们将iMinRSize设置为Rows.Count,所有数据都会被写入数组。以下是我的样本测试结果: enter image description here 如果输入的列中具有最大行数的列首先出现,代码的运行效果最佳,但将代码修改为排列列并以正确的顺序处理也不是什么大问题。

这是速度和彻底性的双赢者。感谢您抽出时间来解释和演示速度测试。 - user4039065


将生成一个从1开始的数字序列,该序列的重复次数为水果 * 国家的数量 -- 这给出了每个动物所需要的行数。





D3:  =IFERROR(INDEX(Animals,CEILING(ROWS($1:1)/(ROWS(Fruits)*ROWS(Countries)),1)),"")
E3:  =IF(E3="","",INDEX(Fruits,MOD(CEILING(ROWS($1:1)/ROWS(Countries),1)-1,ROWS(Fruits))+1))
F3:  =IF(E3="","",INDEX(Countries,MOD(ROWS($1:1)-1,ROWS(Countries))+1))

enter image description here

谢谢你的回复。非常好的解决方案 :-) 很清楚,我猜如果我想在“原始数据”中添加下一个变量,应该使用E3行对吗?如果不清楚的话,我会尽力解释。我只是在想,如何将其用于不同的数据集。 - mysticous
如果您还想能够变化列数,并且在每一列中排除空白进行计算,那么使用VBA解决方案会更加灵活。 - Ron Rosenfeld
@Jeeped 你在找什么?我有一个更灵活的VBA解决方案。 - Ron Rosenfeld
你可以通过将ROWS($1:1)更改为ROW()-1来节省一点处理时间,因为我认为拉取1:50并计算那里存在的行数将需要比仅拉取当前单元格的ROW()更多的计算。尚未测试性能影响以确认。 - Grade 'Eh' Bacon
@Grade'Eh'Bacon 虽然你的方法可以工作,但在我看来并不够健壮。问题在于你必须始终确保公式的第一行得到了适当的补偿。通过使用 ROWS($1:1),第一行公式将始终返回 1;但是通过从 ROW()-1 开始,只有在公式的第一行位于第二行时才会返回 1。如果用户决定移动它 -- 插入更多标题行;或者将结果放在工作表上的其他位置,ROW()-1 将不得不手动更改以进行补偿。 - Ron Rosenfeld






Public Sub matchingCell()

    Dim startRawColumn, endRawColumn, startResultColumn, endResultColumn, startRow As Integer
    Dim index, row, column, containerIndex, tempIndex As Integer
    Dim columnCount, totalCount, timesCount, matchingCount, tempCount As Integer
    Dim isExist As Boolean
    Dim arrayContainer() As Variant

    'Actually, even it is for universal, we need to know start column and end column of raw data.
    'And also start row. And start column for write result.
    'I set them for my test data.
    'You need to modify them(startRawColumn, endRawColumn, startRow, startResultColumn).

    'Set the start column and end column for raw data
    startRawColumn = 1
    endRawColumn = 3

    'Set the start row for read data and write data
    startRow = 2

    'Set the start column for result data
    startResultColumn = 4

    'Get no of raw data column
    columnCount = endRawColumn - startRawColumn

    'Set container index
    containerIndex = 0

    'Re-create array container for count of column
    ReDim arrayContainer(0 To columnCount)

    With Sheets("sheetname")

        'Getting data from sheet

        'Loop all column for getting data of each column
        For column = startRawColumn To endRawColumn Step 1

            'Create tempArray for column
            Dim tempArray() As Variant

            'Reset startRow
            row = startRow

            'Reset index
            index = 0

            'Here is one things. I looped until to blank. 
            'If you want anymore, you can modify the looping type. 
            'Don't do any changes to main body of looping.

            'Loop until the cell is blank
            Do While .Cells(row, column) <> ""

                'Reset isExist flag
                isExist = False

                'Remove checking for no data
                If index > 0 Then

                    'Loop previous data for duplicate checking
                    For tempIndex = 0 To index - 1 Step 1

                        'If found, set true to isExist and stop loop
                        If tempArray(tempIndex) = .Cells(row, column) Then

                            isExist = True

                            Exit For

                        End If

                    Next tempIndex

                End If

                'If there is no duplicate data, store data
                If Not isExist Then

                    'Reset tempArray
                    ReDim Preserve tempArray(index)

                    tempArray(index) = .Cells(row, column)

                    'Increase index
                    index = index + 1

                End If

                'Increase row
                row = row + 1


            'Store column with data
            arrayContainer(containerIndex) = tempArray

            'Increase container index
            containerIndex = containerIndex + 1

        Next column

        'Now, we got all data column including data which has no duplicate
        'Show result data on sheet

        'Getting the result row count
        totalCount = 1

        'Get result row count
        For tempIndex = 0 To UBound(arrayContainer) Step 1

            totalCount = totalCount * (UBound(arrayContainer(tempIndex)) + 1)

        Next tempIndex

        'Reset timesCount
        timesCount = 1

        'Get the last column for result
        endResultColumn = startResultColumn + columnCount

        'Loop array container
        For containerIndex = UBound(arrayContainer) To 0 Step -1

            'Getting the counts for looping
            If containerIndex = UBound(arrayContainer) Then

                duplicateCount = 1

                timesCount = totalCount / (UBound(arrayContainer(containerIndex)) + 1)


                duplicateCount = duplicateCount * (UBound(arrayContainer(containerIndex + 1)) + 1)

                timesCount = timesCount / (UBound(arrayContainer(containerIndex)) + 1)

            End If

            'Reset the start row
            row = startRow

            'Loop timesCount
            For countIndex = 1 To timesCount Step 1

                'Loop data array
                For index = 0 To UBound(arrayContainer(containerIndex)) Step 1

                    'Loop duplicateCount
                    For tempIndex = 1 To duplicateCount Step 1

                        'Write data to cell
                        .Cells(row, endResultColumn) = arrayContainer(containerIndex)(index)

                        'Increase row
                        row = row + 1

                    Next tempIndex

                Next index

            Next countIndex

            'Increase result column index
            endResultColumn = endResultColumn - 1

        Next containerIndex

    End With

End Sub

我总是运行 Option Explicit,所以我不得不声明 Dim duplicateCount As Long, countIndex As Long。我也得到了一个两列输出,但这可能是我的样本数据;我稍后会更深入地研究这个问题。 - user4039065
实际上,我没有使用Option Explicit的习惯。所以,我忘记了声明。使用Option Explicit是一个非常好的习惯。我添加了一些声明。并且我修改了循环开始点来获取总行数,因为我在反复测试时发现了一个错误。感谢您的建议。 - R.Katnaan
这是一个更好的版本。我本来倾向于在这里授予奖励,但公平起见,我必须选择用户3964075提出的解决方案,因为他非常快。我希望你已经收到足够的赞数,以使这个值得你的付出。顺便说一句,虽然比其他版本略慢,但这可能更容易理解。 - user4039065
嗨@Nicolas。我在不同的数据集上尝试了这段代码,但似乎收到了“下标超出范围”的错误。你能给些建议吗? - mysticous
哪一行出现了错误,你的数据集是什么? - R.Katnaan
非常感谢!这段代码完美地运行了,与此帖子中的其他代码不同,它没有给我任何重复项。 - mkelley

ColumnProducts Range("A:C"), Range("E1")


'the following function takes a collection of arrays of strings
'and returns a variant array of tab-delimited strings which
'comprise the (tab-delimited) cartesian products of
'the arrays in the collection

Function CartesianProduct(ByVal Arrays As Collection) As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, m As Long, n As Long
    Dim head As Variant
    Dim tail As Variant
    Dim product As Variant

    If Arrays.Count = 1 Then
        CartesianProduct = Arrays.Item(1)
        Exit Function
        head = Arrays.Item(1)
        Arrays.Remove 1
        tail = CartesianProduct(Arrays)
        m = UBound(head)
        n = UBound(tail)
        ReDim product(1 To m * n)
        k = 1
        For i = 1 To m
            For j = 1 To n
                product(k) = head(i) & vbTab & tail(j)
                k = k + 1
            Next j
        Next i
        CartesianProduct = product
    End If
End Function

Sub ColumnProducts(data As Range, output As Range)
    Dim Arrays As New Collection
    Dim strings As Variant, product As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Long, numRows As Long
    Dim col As Range, cell As Range
    Dim outRange As Range

    numRows = Range("A:A").Rows.Count
    For Each col In data.Columns
        n = col.EntireColumn.Cells(numRows).End(xlUp).Row
        i = col.Cells(1).Row
        ReDim strings(1 To n - i + 1)
        For j = 1 To n - i + 1
            strings(j) = col.Cells(i + j - 1)
        Next j
        Arrays.Add strings
    Next col
    product = CartesianProduct(Arrays)
    n = UBound(product)
    Set outRange = Range(output, output.Offset(n - 1))
    outRange.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(product)
    outRange.TextToColumns Destination:=output, DataType:=xlDelimited, Tab:=True
End Sub

这在规定范围内的数据上运行良好,但是如果添加了更多的数据值,则很快会遇到运行时错误13:.Transpose操作类型不匹配。转置具有远远低于现代工作表限制的限制(请参见此处)。 - user4039065



  • 首先逐列选择原始数据并删除重复项。
  • 然后将这三列读入三个单独的数组中。
  • 计算所有数组的总长度。
  • 然后使用循环将国家数组的第一个值粘贴多次,直到动物和水果的组合数量相同,因此这些数组的长度相乘。
  • 在循环内部再进行另一个循环,发布所有水果选项。具有等于最大动物数量的重复行数。
  • 然后将没有重复项的动物连续粘贴到表的最后一行。

Public Sub matchingCell()

    Dim animalRow, fruitRow, countryRow, checkRow, resultRow As Long
    Dim isExist As Boolean

    'Set the start row
    animalRow = 2
    resultRow = 2

    'Work with data sheet
    With Sheets("sheetname")

        'Loop until animals column is blank
        Do While .Range("A" & animalRow) <> ""

            'Set the start row
            fruitRow = 2

            'Loop until fruits column is blank
            Do While .Range("B" & fruitRow) <> ""

                'Set the start row
                countryRow = 2

                'Loop until country column is blank
                Do While .Range("C" & countryRow) <> ""

                    'Set the start row
                    checkRow = 2

                    'Reset flag
                    isExist = False

                    'Checking for duplicate row
                    'Loop all result row until D is blank
                    Do While .Range("D" & checkRow) <> ""

                        'If duplicate row found
                        If .Range("D" & checkRow) = .Range("A" & animalRow) And _
                           .Range("E" & checkRow) = .Range("B" & fruitRow) And _
                           .Range("F" & checkRow) = .Range("C" & countryRow) Then

                           'Set true for exist flag
                           isExist = True

                        End If

                        checkRow = checkRow + 1


                    'If duplicate row not found
                    If Not isExist Then

                        .Range("D" & resultRow) = .Range("A" & animalRow)
                        .Range("E" & resultRow) = .Range("B" & fruitRow)
                        .Range("F" & resultRow) = .Range("C" & countryRow)

                        'Increase resultRow
                        resultRow = resultRow + 1

                    End If

                    'Increase countryRow
                    countryRow = countryRow + 1


                'Increase fruitRow
                fruitRow = fruitRow + 1


            'Increase fruitRow
            animalRow = animalRow + 1


    End With

End Sub


谢谢你,Nicolas。我非常感激你的帮助。但是你能帮我以更通用的方式使用它吗?比如适用于无限列?数据将显示在右侧? - mysticous
您是指多列匹配并导出结果吗? - R.Katnaan
有几列,例如现在宏已经为三个定义的名称精确定义了。现在我想以一般的方式利用它,因为这个问题在不同的数据集、不同的标题和不同的样本中多次出现。而且实际上我并不是很熟练于VBA来调整代码。 - mysticous
似乎您的解决方案得到了其他人的高度赞赏。您是否可以帮助我?非常感谢。 - mysticous
实际上,这个答案已经足够回答这个问题了。但是你问了比你的帖子更多的问题。这很难做到。我认为你应该接受我的答案,因为它为这个问题提供了正确的结果。 - R.Katnaan




为了将其带到Excel的现代版本和新功能Xlookup,我提出以下公式: =XLOOKUP(ROWS(K$2[a]:K2),$I$3:$I$8[b],$H$3:$H$8[c],"所有频率均满足",1,1









网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的