用我的硬盘制作成Ubuntu Live光盘。

有没有办法创建一个包含我电脑上所有应用程序的Ubuntu Live光盘?我在我的Ubuntu 11.10上安装了很多应用程序和Gnome 3.2,我想通过一个可以实时运行并能够在他们的电脑上安装我的发行版的光盘与我的朋友分享。你有什么主意吗?

http://askubuntu.com/questions/6766/remaster-ubuntu - Uri Herrera
1可能是重复的问题:如何自定义Ubuntu Live CD? - Uri Herrera

 Build an image of your running Debian System with the command bootcdwrite.
 You can also build a bootcd ISO image via NFS on a remote System.
 When you run your system from CD you do not need any disks. All
 changes will be done in ram. To reuse this changes at next boot time
 you can save them on FLOPPY with the command bootcdflopcp. If booting
 from your CD-drive is not supported, booting from FLOPPY is possible.
 It is possible to install a new system from the running CD with the
 command bootcd2disk. Bootcd2disk can also find a target disk, format
 it and make it bootable automatically. Bootcd also supports lilo,
 grub, initrd, udev, lvm, transparent-compression ISO 9660 fs and
 syslinux/isolinux. The included FAQ describes how bootcd can do
 online or offline backups of other Linux distributions, resulting
 in restore-bootcds. The bootcdbackupwizard helps to create online