作为新手,你需要知道的第一件事是,在打开 PHP 页面时,PHP 代码首先由服务器执行,然后 HTML 和 JavaScript 由浏览器执行。现在,当你与 HTML 元素交互时,比如更改输入框中的内容、从下拉列表中选择选项,甚至点击按钮等等,这些动作和事件可以被 JavaScript 捕捉到,但是 PHP 不行。因此,你需要一种让客户端(JavaScript)与服务器端(PHP)交互的方法。这种方式称为AJAX。
简单来说,AJAX 的作用是,当用户在页面上执行任何操作,比如点击按钮,使用事件(和事件处理程序),你可以捕捉到用户输入并通过 AJAX 将其传递给 PHP。
$.ajax({ // ajax block starts
url: 'send.php', // The PHP file that you want to send your user input to
type: 'POST', /*
by default the values will be sent as GET -
through address but if it's sensitive data,
use POST
data: {data1: $('#textbox').val(), data2: $('#select').val()}, // The data to be sent
dataType: 'text', /*
Over here you set the type of response that will be sent
back by the PHP file. It could be 'text','html' or
if you have to send back values in array format
you can use'json' type
success: function(data)
This block will be called once the PHP file is executed and
the 'data' parameter here holds
the values returned from the PHP file
例如,我们有一个 button
<input type="button" id="button" value="Click" />
// AJAX here will run on click of button
或者如果我们有一个 select
<select id="dropdown">
<option value=1>1</option>
<option value=2>2</option>
// AJAX here will run on change of select
这里的哈希符号 #
表示 id
属性。如果有多个相同的 id
,你不能使用它们,此时应该使用 class
属性,然后在类名前加上点号 .
<input type="button" class="button" value="Click">
<input type="button" class="button" value="Click Again">
//clicking any of the above button will trigger this code
This if block here detects if the request is sent through AJAX,
it's not necessary but use this if you want to prevent direct access
to this PHP file and allow it ONLY through AJAX.
if ( !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest' )
Now depending on the 'type' we set in our AJAX code,
we would have to call it by $_GET if the type is 'GET'
and $_POST if the type is 'POST', in the above we have
set it to POST so the following code demonstrates the same
# So the data can be accessed as:
echo $_POST['data1'];
echo $_POST['data2'];
是我们在 AJAX 中引用传递的值的标识符。
AJAX 中还有很多有用的函数,例如定期访问 PHP 文件(timeout
或者,您也可以使用基于 AJAX 概念的 $.get 和 $.post,但功能较少。